Life Drawing Hens Wollongong - Men On Fire


Life Drawing Hens Party Wollongong

Life Drawing is one of the most popular hens ideas in Wollongong and you've found the most fun EVER! Forget painting flowers, start your Hens Party with a Firefighter knocking on the door and draw him as he removes his uniform!

You're in safe hands with us, with over a DECADE of hens experience our amazing Bride's across Wollongong, even check out what TimeOut had to say!

hens party

Your Wollongong Life Drawing Package

Fireman Life Drawing

Forget drawing flowers and fruit, draw a Firefighter! The perfect mix of hens party fun, entertainment and a fantastic activity to break the ice and get everyone laughing.

Perfect For:

  • When your Bride said "No Strippers" but you still want some fun
  • When you want something to break the ice and get the party started


  • 90 Minutes


  • We come to you; Your house, hotel or venue


  • A fully uniformed Firefighter knocking on the door to start the party
  • A super fun, entertaining and charismatic Fireman
  • Layer of uniform removed each drawing
  • Hens games throughout
  • Vibe tailored to the party
  • Art materials included
  • Just enough nudity (or remove it without losing any fun!)

hens party

life drawing hens wollongong

live drawing hens wollongong



hens party wollongong
best wollongong life drawing
wollongong hens ideas

Planning Life Drawing Hens Party Wollongong?

Let's party! Draw a Firefighter for your hens party and give the Bride that 'stripper surprise' she needs on her hens night, but without having an actual stripper!

Where in Wollongong Can We Book Our Life Drawing Hens?

In Wollongong, we come to your house, hotel or any venue that is happy to have a Fireman taking his clothes off! 

What happens in the package?

A Fireman surprises your Bride, but then tells her he isn't actually a stripper! He starts in full Firefighter uniform and removes a layer each drawing until just the final pose is full nudity. SO MUCH FUN!

Our Bride Said No Strippers?

That's perfect! We aren't strippers - we just give her a surprise!

Art Materials for our Life Drawing Hens?

We bring professional art materials and pencils - this means the package is super fast to set up and allows it to be done anywhere. Dining, lounge, outdoors, etc!

Can we opt for No Nudity?

You sure can! It won't take anything away from the life drawing experience as it is only the final pose that is full nudity.

How do we book our Life Drawing Hens Party?

Let us know the location, date and time to confirm availability. Then a $149 deposit secures your party with the balance not due until 2 weeks prior. 


Contact Us

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